Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Colt Factory to become national park

Colt Factory in Hartford Connecticut is on its way to become a national park after the measure(H.R.1259) was approved as part of H.R.3979(Department of Defense budget)

Coltsville National Historical Park Act will establish Coltsville National Historical Park as a part of National Park System in Connecticut. The law will authorize a commission to outline final plans for a 10,000 square foot visitor's center at the old Colt factory complex.

However, this is not without some problems. According to the Associate Press,

The project's leading advocate in Congress, U.S. Rep. John Larson, a Democrat, said in an interview that the park could provide a forum for discussions of Colt's historical significance and issues including modern-day gun violence.

In other words, Connecticut wants to make money off of Colt's historical significance while driving firearm business out of the state and attempting to infringe on the Second Amendment. This hypocrasy prompted National Shooting Sports Foundation to withdraw its support for the bill. Colt Manufacturing is not enthusiastic about the project either.

From: Guns.com, AP